Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Recent updates

Inspired by Isaac Tan, I realized that it has been some time since I last updated my blog, especially my personal life updates. I realized there're few continuous posts in past few months are all about thoughts, random articles, etc. 

In a blink of an eye, we've come to the last month of year 2011. How time flies! Since the month of October, I've been busying  prepare for my AS Trial exam, AS exam... (although there's still some random outings in between hehe), and finally it's now all ended, I hope with it ends with a beautiful full stop mark --good results!!!
Throughout the period I was preparing for my exam, I think I found what is going to be my field of job in future, supposed to be Finance/Economics field, yes, that is it!!! Yes, I do love money, but who doesn't? But then studying economics is not only about loving money, but to see how money works within the people around the world, from the poorest to the richest! Its interesting to read and knowing economics is not only a term used for rich people world but also poor ones. Moreover, we see how greedy in human being can leads to the path to hell, yea, I mean it, HELL! Like what Europe countries are like now...

My 18th b'day celebration was few days ago, well, 18 year-old, what a significant age! It remarks you're not a kiddo anymore, you can't act like kiddo, you can't talk like kiddo etc etc and you're now an ADULT who responsible to your own life! Your words, your actions, your thoughts, MUST BE MATURE! Frankly speaking, I seriously don't like this!!! I'd rather to be a kiddo forever, then I got nothing to worry besides homework! SO KIDS, STOP COMPLAINING YOU HAVE TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! there's always something that is worst then homework! 

Last but not least, a very latest updates, I got myself my first ever part time job! GUESS what? Hahaha, potato chips promoter in hypermarket! argh, NOT EASY! standing 9 hrs a day is really not easy! so, make use of every cents you spend! :)



  1. lol...Ya, you are right, cant be kiddo anymore. Missing those days with hilarious plays, remarkable jokes in the class that make us broke into the laughter. From days to days, each action, thought and speech reflect how mature we are. Judgements on maturity counts for impression in this so call adult society. Long time ago, those naive days had come to an prefect end silently while we are still wondering the how old are we. haha!!!

  2. yo Fred. hahaha great words,love the sentence u commented :P Yup, turning into an adult is a process that doesn't ask your permission to continue or not, yes or no. It all comes silently into our life. I can see everyone is changing in the gathering, better or worse? I doubt but Im hoping for better of course :D best of luck FRED and welcome to the world of ADULTS XD
